Thursday, July 26, 2007

Another Tag!

Well I'm finally responding to informal "tag" that i received from Nikki. Well, this one is a bit different and random, but here we go. I am suppose to list 7 different facts about myself; funny, random, silly, whatever. Then choose 7 new people to tag. It may seem a bit repetitive, but it is always fun to learn interesting new things about your friends. If you are tagged, please list the rules when you post.

1) I have to read my favorite comic, "For Better or For Worse" everyday or I feel deprived not knowing whats going on in the Patterson's life! If you don't get the paper daily, check it out online at

2) Sometimes I like pulling out the bag of brown sugar and taking down a couple of spoonfuls just cause it's so dang good!

3) Probably the reason why I like that was because my mom used to let us do that with brown sugar and powdered sugar! No wonder I love sweets!

4) I get freakin pissed when I lose an intense game of softball, basketball, volleyball, table tennis (haha, remember that time at Featherville Karisa and Nikki)?, etc. When I was a kid, I used to run off and hide in trees for a couple of hours so I could cool down. I'm now working on walking away from the situation without saying or doing anything stupid.

5) I never thought I would marry a city boy....

6) I never thought I would ever live in Alaska......

7) When I got married, I turned into a bit of a psycho when it came to cleaning up the kitchen and doing dishes after dinner. I wanted it done a certain way or else I'd get pretty annoyed. I'm starting to chill out after realizing how weird that is.

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