Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Softball in Arizona

So I've joined my company softball team and we're in our 3rd week of playing. So far we haven't won a game because we don't have enough good solid players. It's hard to carry a team on my own......haha. J/K So as much as I try to brush it off as a nice friendly, who cares if we win, recreation league, yeah that just doesn't work. I've found that I've become a little less competitive over the years, but gosh dang it, I want to win! What do ya do though? Hold try-outs to find the best players? Is there anyone else out there that still loves the thrill of competition? Don't get me wrong, I'll get out there every week and play cause I love to do it. Oh yeah, one other thing, our second game got canceled because of a little wind, a bit of lightening and sprinking rain. My first thought was "Oh sweet relief, the temperature might dip below 100 now!" Then a couple minutes later, the ump called the game. What??? That would never happen in Alaska, Idaho or Utah. A little rain never hurt anyone! I've decided people from Arizona can't handle any type of weather other than heat. (But I will give them credit for that at least!) Alright enough with the late night rambling thoughts that go through my head.......


Nikki said...

How do you find yourself on softball teams and around free food?!?!?! That is completely lame about cancelling the game...did they say "Yep, you're CANCELLED?" :) I firmly believe that you should hold tryouts next year and schedule organized practices on your lunch hour for this year...fight for the right to win!!!

Our Family said...

Way to go! I think that's so cool that you have joined your work softball team. Goodluck finding some new players.