We were also able to view the Rexburg temple open house and check out where Brianna lives at BYU-I. We also walked around campus and reminiced about the "good times" at "Ricks". I made some great friendships there, but I still think it is so funny that so many people can go to school there and be hitched by one semester! It never made sense to me, but i've also never been much of a conformer, so that's probably why. Anyway, we spent the rest of the week visiting friends and family. We took a trip to Salt Lake to visit a few of Mo's relatives and thanks to Taci, we had a great party at her house catching up with old roommates! We spent the next day in Logan, visiting my grandparents and watching the great Aggie basketball team win that night! Here are a couple of pictures of our week.

The cute nieces and nephews (and hottie Brianna!)
The beautiful view of Cache Valley.
Mo and I in front of my grandparents house, (the sun was soo bright!) and me cutting our wedding cake that my mom kept frozen for almost 2 years!
It wasn't bad actually!
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