Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Driving ettiquette......

Today on my way to work, I was minding my own business driving down the road. Winter in Alaska means the roads are almost always icy and today was no exception. I was just driving along and was approaching an interception with a "stale" green light. Well, I slowed down a little thinking it would probably change soon. But it didn't change until that last second where you have to make a decision to either go and run the light a little, or try and stop on the ice. (which causes problems for me in my non-snow tire, non-studded tire car.) So I went on through the light and on my way. Well after a little bit, I got that feeling of being followed, but not really sure if I was right. Sure enough, I pulled into the parking lot and the car did too. I parked and she pulled up right behind me, got out of her car, and came over to my window. My first thought was that she was coming to tell me that something was wrong with my car, then I thought, shoot did I hit her and not know it!!!!!! But NO, these were her exact words,

"I just wanted to let you know that we both made it here at the same time and I didn't need to run a red light." (Later thinking back, I remember that she was two lanes to my right at the time and I noticed she stopped when I went.)

I looked at her blankly..... "Oh okay."

She started walking off while I was thinking, What the????

Then all the sudden I felt kind of pissed and I couldn't help but add, "I don't know why you needed to come here and tell me that."

She responded with, "Well it was a stone-cold red light" and something else that I didn't hear. Then she got in her car and sped off! Now, I'm just wondering if this seem odd to anyone else.... Has this happened to you before?

P.S Mo just told me that this has happened to him like 3 times before! Maybe it's an Alaska thing!


[Stacia] said...

I'm so glad you actually said something to her! I've never had anybody do that to me but I totally think it's alaska!

Becky said...

I've only heard of that happening to someone one other time...but I think my response would have been the same as yours...What the???
How would following you and telling you that made her feel any better?