Friday, May 16, 2008

Graduation Day!

Well, he did it. Mo graduated with his B.S. in Biological Sciences Cum Laude! I was so happy for him as well as both our families! My parents flew up for his graduation and we were really happy to have them there. He is a real hard worker and spent many long hours studying and going that extra mile so he could get in to P.A. school. Well he did it and now we're moving to Glendale, AZ next week! He'll be attending Midwestern University in Glendale, AZ. I have a job offer with Charles Schwab and a couple other options floating out there. Next week I'll be flying down there to meet with those companies and then fly back to Idaho to meet up with Mo, who is driving a Uhaul from Alaska with his brother! What a trek, I did it when I moved up to Alaska, so him and his brother get to experience the 2800 mile long trip! (And that doesn't count from Idaho to Glendale!) We have a lot going on and some very new and exciting things ahead of us! Here are some pictures from graduation. The top row is at his Leadership Honors reception. The first picture on the second row is at his Department of Biology graduation and the rest are, of course, the big commecement with pictures afterward.
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Nikki said...

Congrats Mo & Julia! See all those late night study sessions have paid off! Good luck with that move...glad it is you and not me! :)

Deborah said...

Congrats! Talk about moving from one extreme to the other! It will be good to have you closer . . . kind of. Good luck!

Karisa said...

Let us know when you're in Idaho.

The Spaulding Zoo said...

Congratulations! That's a great achievement. Good luck with the move. I'd love to meet up with you along your trek.