Monday, August 18, 2008

Sunday drive

A couple of weeks back, we decided that despite the heat, we needed to get out and see some sights of Arizona. It's been so hot that we haven't done much outdoors unless it's at 6 o'clock in the morning! But we decided to sweat it out! So we grabbed our fancy new GPS and took a Sunday drive and found a nice little lake for all kinds of water recreational activities. Too bad we don't have any of the toys to take advantage of this place!

Of course we had to get the huge cactus picture for all of you northerners!

And then my favorite picture where we were trying to sit on the rock for a nice picture, but instead Mo sat on one of the thorns and shot up like a rocket! It was pretty funny, but not so fun for him! Haha! Yeah we're really smart trying to sit next to a cactus, you can tell we're first timers!

Then we found a little nature trail with labels printed for all the cactus on the trail. It was an Eagle Scout project, and it was pretty cool.


[Stacia] said...

That cracks me up-I can just see Mo jumping up saying something like, "What the...?" And the picture is great, I laughed out loud! We miss you guys, hopefully we can get together for longer than 15 minutes sometime soon.

[Stacia] said...

That cracks me up-I can just see Mo jumping up saying something like, "What the...?" And the picture is great, I laughed out loud! We miss you guys, hopefully we can get together for longer than 15 minutes sometime soon.

Criscell said...

Sounds so fun--and pretty too! I've never been there.

Nikki said...

I'm surprised you didn't water the cactus after you saw Mo shoot up like Apollo 13. :) I also like the name of the place...Lake Pleasant. Bet that was a hard one for them to come up with! :)

Halo BW said...

nice pics!