Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Somewhat catching up......

So this is probably the longest I've gone without blogging. I've been spending more time out doing things this winter since it's sooo nice out here! I'm taking it all in because in just a few more months, the heat of death will come upon us! I'm sure I've lost my 2 whole readers for sure by now! But there has been some fun things that have gone on the past 2 1/2 months, so I'll do a quick rehash of events.

1) Dallas, TX trip in January to see my brother and his cute family!

2) Arizona Cardinals Playoff game! It was awesome!

3) Hiking on Camelback mountain in Arizona after the New Year!

4) Christmas in Idaho/Alaska!

5) Phoenix Christmas Light Parade

6) Mo's White Coat Ceremony!

7) Last, but not least.... The Sedona Marathon! (Well, for some people...., but for me, the 5K.)

Well, hopefully now I will get back on track with the whole blogging thing so I don't have to do these random updates anymore! Hope you enjoyed!


Karisa said...

As usual, it looks like you've been up to a lot of fun. How cool is that, hiking in short sleeves after New Years?

Unknown said...

I saw someone in the grocery store last night who looked just like you... which made me think to look at your blog today... which must have been a sign because you had updated it! I'm glad you're having fun and by the way I have some sad news: the quoteboard is lost. (From Forest Gate)

Criscell said...

Way to go on your 5k!! I've hiked Camelback mountain too--it's a good hike! Looks like you had a lot of fun lately.

Deborah said...

Good heck, when did you start running 5k's? Way to go! I do miss visiting my brother in Glendale - good luck with the 'heat of death' that is coming your way.

Cara and Steve said...

That race was so much fun! I'm so glad we could go up there together

[Stacia] said...

Ok, it's been 2 months now, time for an update. Honestly, girl, you haven't even announced your pregnant yet... How 'bout a belly picture?